Feb 26, 2009

Review from the calss

What is CALL
In general computer-assisted languate learning (CALL) can refer to any language learning or teaching that invlove the computer in a significant way.

Computers in language teaching as a tutor or a tool.

The three phases of CALL:
1. Behavioristic CALL: In 1960s and '70s, programs can referred to as "drill and practice."
2. Communicative CALL: In 1970s and '80s, proponents added more authentic communication, focusing nore on using forms rather than on the forms themselves.
3. Integrative CALL: Based on the multimedia computers and the Interest, there are various methods, approaches and programs be implemented aiming to help creat an integrated communicative environment both for language learning and teaching.

Hi It's Mavis

Hi It's Mavis. Welcome to my blog.

I'm an English major in NTUST, and now busy in preparing

graduate shcool in the field of Life Science.

Biochemistry is what I am studying now.

To talk more abuot me, well, I am a curious person with various interests.

I enjoy

reading, watching movies, traveling, watching ball games, making coffee....